Building Nonprofit Partnerships in a Time of Pandemic

COVID-19 brought troubles to the development sector, posing risks on nonprofits to reduce their projects or workforce or even risking closure. 

In times like these where COVID-19 has forced a majority of the population to work from home and onsite projects have to be put on hold, nonprofits are challenged to solve this disparity creatively and to prove their capability to peers and communities. While nonprofits can decide to cut costs or reframe their operations, partnerships can bolster and encourage nonprofits to work together and overcome these hurdles brought about by the pandemic. Here are four reasons why nonprofits should continue to pursue partnerships today.

Accomplish social change through modern, collective effervescence

In a time where zoom fatigue and heightened hopelessness can overwhelm the world, organizations can motivate each other while working together. Modern, collective effervescence is the concept of working together without being physically present at the same time, all the while achieving the same results, or even better outcomes than expected. The online setup has highlighted that nonprofits are capable of operating online therefore, everyone can avoid contracting the virus while achieving social impact. 

You can add value to your organization and consistently implement your projects

By partnering with others, projects that could have been put on hold because of the pandemic can endure and be carried out especially for projects that are supporting communities. Nonprofit partnerships not only achieve their goals but also add credibility to both their organizations. Opportunities to grow become present such as sharing resources and assets, growing networks, and boosting rapport.

Build social capital

The development sector can also focus on working with local partners. This encourages relationship building and the trust, communication, and self-determination of both partners to support a breakthrough in community development and progress in these trying times. Knowing the local community’s needs, priorities and assisting them albeit online allows them to grow and nurture their skills as changemakers and fuel their passion to work with and for the community.

These connections can drive long-lasting impacts for communities and partners

Besides achieving shared goals and values with the partner community and partner nonprofit, organizations can learn from one another such as how each organization works as a development organization and what aspects of their nonprofit model they can adapt to improve their own organization. “The best partnerships, I think, are informed by that common and shared experience of learning together.” By being open-minded and collaborative, partnerships build each other to be better, efficient, and goal-driven development groups.

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

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