Author name: Ragini Asia

Guardians of the Forest: How Community Forestry Saves the Maya Biosphere Reserve

Gone is the traditional model of protected areas guarded by fences and regulations. since the 1990s, in the MBR, the Government has granted ten community forest concessions to local communities for 25 years, of which 9 are active even today. They currently cover approximately 350,000 hectares of the forests. A Community Forest Enterprise (CFE) operates these concessions in accordance to the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Standards. The outcomes are remarkable: almost no deforestation, flourishing communities, and a resurgence of optimism for the future.

Footprints of Responsibility: Carbon Footprint’s Role in Achieving Sustainability

Chances are, you’ve encountered the term ‘carbon footprint’ in discussions about sustainability and environmental responsibility. But what precisely does it mean, and how does it contribute to the quest for sustainable living? These questions are crucial in our modern dialogue, as they provide essential context for understanding the significance of sustainability and its profound impact on shaping our shared future.

Holding Power Accountable: How NGOs Champion Change in a Complex World

In a world dominated by powerful corporations and governments, the voices of individuals can feel lost. Amid this complexity, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) emerge as crucial players, advocating for policy changes and holding power accountable. Whether it’s combating climate change, protecting human rights, or promoting social justice, these grassroots organizations play a vital role in shaping a more equitable and sustainable future.

Empowering Connections: Enhancing PWD Accessibility through Technology

Accessing and controlling technology can often present significant challenges for people with disabilities (PWDs). Fortunately, technology has advanced to the point where systems have been created to break down barriers between PWDs and technology. Advancements such as speech recognition and voice command systems have emerged as powerful tools in breaking down barriers and empowering PWDs to fully participate in the digital world.

Empowering Communities and Saving the Earth: The Inspiring Journeys of Eco-friendly Social Enterprises

In a world where environmental consciousness is no longer a choice but a necessity, the emergence of eco-friendly enterprises stands as a beacon of hope. These enterprises not only embody sustainable practices but also serve as catalysts for community empowerment and environmental conservation. Through innovative approaches and unwavering commitment, they navigate the delicate balance between profitability and planet preservation, showcasing inspiring journeys that redefine business success. 

 Regenerative Agriculture: Can this farming method reverse climate change and feed the world?

The main contributor to the ruin of the environment is industrial agriculture, which powers our food system. However, a glimmer of hope appears in the form of regenerative agriculture. This emerging movement aims to feed the globe and counteract climate change in addition to healing the harm caused by traditional farming. Is this possible to be true? I think the complex dance of soil, biodiversity, and human inventiveness holds the key to the solution.

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